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Barbell opal
4.500 kr
Blue opalPink opalPurple opalRed opalOnyxTiger eyeGreen opalBlack opalPink howliteWhite opalWhite howlite
Neo Metal titanium Threadless barbell
12.000 kr
White CZChampagneMorganitePinkFancy purpleAurora borealisBlackFrosty mint
Nipple clicker cluster
2.250 kr 4.500 kr Sale
White opalBlue opalBlue howliteRed opalDark blue opal
Straight Barbell with Chains
4.500 kr
White CZPinkTitanium wihtout stones
Cluster barbells
4.500 kr
3 White zirconia3 White opal5 white zirconia
Chandelier Industrial Barbell
4.000 kr
Gold with clear gemsRose gold with pink gems